Let me introduce: Olga Grichanok

Olga Grichanok was born in 1993; she is only 8 years old now. Olga began to paint at a very young age. Now she studying paint and theatre arts at the Kharkiv Liceum of Arts.
Olga's range of expression are cheerful and colourful. The whole world pulses in her works - in the dynamic small figures of people and animals, at the streets of home city, in the country of her fantasy and imagination.
She took part in more than twenty arts exhibitions and competitions, she won prizes in different international fine arts competitions.
So we suggest you to look at some of her paint and draw works and image-book "Architectural ABC".


No title (4 years old)

Sun and rainbow (4 years old)

House (4 years old)

Wedding (4,5 years old)

Fire-bird (4,5 years old)

Our planet (4,5 years old)

It is hot (4,5 years old)

Summer cottage (5 years old)

The world around me (5 years old)

Mom (5 years old)

Korrida (5 years old)

Window drawing (5 years old)

© Illustrations: Olga Grichanok

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