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  The pledge of an effective work of the information center “Window on America” is supported by our facilities: immense book collection, periodicals and e-resources donated by state book acquisition, the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy in Ukraine, Sabre-Svitlo Foundation and sponsorship.  

  At your disposal:

  • Unique multivolume encyclopedias of the USA («Encyclopedia Americana», «Student Encyclopedia»);
  • Series of illustrated books: «Extraordinary», «From Sea to Shining Sea», «A True Book», «Cornerstones of Freedom», «World Book», «Scholastic», «Interfact», «Out of This World», «Documenting History», «Math in My World», «Mathematics in Action»; 
  • Popular science editions about religion, history, economy, mathematics, business, art, environment etc. 
  • CD-ROMs with databases (about history, geography, politics, culture, customs and traditions of Americans); 
  • Video collection of American films in English;
  • Access to Internet resources; 
  • Wi-Fi connection
  • Language-learning program «Rosetta Stone»;
  • Manuals to train for international tests TOEFL та GRE.