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       The National Library of Ukraine for Children, MP of the IX Parliament Olena Kryvoruchkina, the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the OSCE Support Program for Ukraine (OSCE SPU), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, the Mykola Tomenko Foundation “Ridna Kraina”, the NGO “INPOLIT” with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine, and the NGO “Ukrainian Association of Children's Library Workers” have agreed to:
        1. To organize and hold the International Environmental Children's Drawing Contest “The Future of the Planet is in Our Hands!” (hereinafter – the Contest) during February - April 2025.
       2. To hold the Contest in accordance with the Regulations on the Contest (Annex 1).
       3. To approve the Main Jury of the Contest (Annex 3).

       Annex 1

on the International Environmental Children's Drawing Contest
“The Future of the Planet is in Our Hands!”

І. General provisions

       1.1. The purpose of the Contest is to draw attention to the problem of destruction of Ukraine's nature as a result of the war; to promote green and sustainable post-war recovery of natural ecosystems; to foster children's respect and care for nature and the environment; to discover in their art the desire to restore and preserve natural resources in the world and in Ukraine in particular.

       1.2. The main objectives of the Contest are to develop children's environmental awareness; to stimulate their cognitive activity and creativity; to involve children in environmental activities aimed at restoring the ecosystem of Ukraine and the world; to promote environmental protection measures; to popularize an environmentally friendly way of living and thinking; to promote eco-values, respect for their homeland, and a desire to read and illustrate books on environmental topics; and to promote the sustainable development of environmentally conscious individuals and their connection with nature.

       1.3. The Organizing parties of the Contest are the National Library of Ukraine for Children, MP of the IX Parliament Olena Kryvoruchkina, State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), OSCE Support Program for Ukraine (OSCE SPU), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Mykola Tomenko Foundation “Ridna Kraina”, NGO “INPOLIT” with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine, and the NGO “Ukrainian Association of Children's Library Workers”.

       1.4. Organizational and methodological assistance, as well as management of the Contest, shall be provided by the National Library for Children.

       1.5. Regional libraries for children shall carry out the general coordination of the Contest in their respective region.

       1.6. Regional libraries for youth shall host the Contest at their premises and forward all submissions to the regional library for children in their respective regions.

       1.7. Information about the Contest shall be published on the official websites of the organizing authorities, regional libraries participating in the Contest, as well as partners and media.

       1.8. In the course of the Contest, personal data of the participants shall be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” No. 2297-VI dated June 1, 2010.

ІІ. Terms and conditions of the Contest

        2.1. The Contest shall be open to children from Ukraine and other countries of the world under the age of 18, who will be evaluated under the following age categories:
        - under 7 years old
        - 8 - 11 years old;
        - 12 - 14 years old;
        - 15 - 18 years old.

        2.2. Individual submissions in each age category shall be accepted for the Contest.

        2.3. Submissions shall be based on the following thematic areas: “The Impact of War on the Nature of Ukraine,” “Nature in Your Favorite Book,” “Eco-Consciousness: The Key to a Sustainable Future,” “Rebuilding Ukraine in Accordance with European Principles,” “Restoration and Preservation of Nature,” and “The Adverse Impact of Waste on the Environment”.

        2.4. The Contest shall be held from February 10 to April 22, 2025 (International Earth Day) in three rounds:
        first round – from February 10 to March 10 – at the local level;
        second round – from March 11 to March 31 – at the regional and international levels;
        third round – from April 1 to April 22 at the National Library for Children (final).

        2.5. The participants in each age category of the Contest shall prepare a drawing of A-3 format with a title corresponding to the selected thematic area. The drawing may be created using any artistic means and techniques and should reflect the topic in terms of content and genre, presenting the author's vision of improving the environmental situation in the world and in Ukraine in particular.

ІІІ. The course of the Contest

        3.1. Drawings made by the Contest participants at the local level shall be forwarded to the regional library for children.

        3.2. Regional libraries for children shall collect submissions from their respective regions, select three winners of the regional round in each age category (regardless of thematic areas), and forward them to the National Library for Children no later than March 31 for the finalization of the Contest results.

        3.3. Drawings must be submitted with a short statement about the author: first and last name, full date of birth and school grade, home address (postal address), contact phone number of parents or guardians for correspondence.

        3.4. Drawings from foreign participants may be submitted either via physical postal services (in accordance with the submission deadline) or by email to konkurs.biblioteka@ukr.net.

        3.5. By submitting a drawing, the participants' parents or guardians by default consent to its further use in the public space with brief personal data (first and last name, age, place of residence).

IV. The Organizing Committee and the Jury of the Contest

         4.1. The Main Organizing Committee shall be established to prepare and hold the Contest. The Committee shall include representatives of the Organizing parties of the Contest.

        4.2. Organizing committees and juries shall be established in regional libraries for children to conduct the second round of the Contest. These committees may include experts from regional libraries for youth and young adults, as well as artists who are members of the regional branches of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. They shall determine the winners from among the submissions of participants in their respective regions.

        4.3. To determine the winners in the third round, members of the Main Jury — which shall comprise representatives of the Organizing parties, as well as artists who are members of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, and illustrators of children's books — are to be approved.

        4.4. Based on the results of the jury's deliberations, protocols indicating the total number of participants and winners, along with full contact information for feedback, shall be compiled.

V. Determining and awarding the winners of the Contest

        5.1. The regional juries of the Contest shall summarize the results and determine three winners in each age category (regardless of thematic areas) – 12 drawings in total.

        5.2. The winning entries of the regional rounds shall be forwarded, together with the protocols, to the Main Organizing Committee at the National Library of Ukraine for Children (Yanush Korchak St., 60, Kyiv, 03190) by April 2, 2025.

        5.3. The winners of the Contest in each age category shall be awarded I, II, III places.

        5.4. The Main Jury shall evaluate the submissions received from the regional juries and determine the winners, to be announced on April 22, World Earth Day, and awarded diplomas and commemorative prizes from the Organizing parties. Prizes shall be sent by post exclusively at the expense of the parents or guardians of the Contest participants.

        5.5. All participants whose submissions have been shortlisted for the final round shall receive an electronic certificate of the Contest finalist.

        5.6. The winners' drawings shall be presented at the exhibition at the National Library of Ukraine for Children.

        5.7. Based on the results of the Contest, an album of artworks containing 100 best drawings shall be compiled.

VІ. Storage and publication of artworks submitted to the Contest

        6.1. The drawings submitted to the Contest shall not be returned to the authors but shall be stored in the National Library for Children and may be used in its further work. They may also be used (on a rotating basis) for presentations and exhibitions, as well as during other events held by the organizers of this Contest in Ukraine and abroad. Electronic versions (copies) of the drawings submitted to the Contest may be used by the organizers in the course of their activities without separate consent for such use.
        Upon the decision of the National Library for Children, the original drawings may be transferred for storage and/or use by the organizers, partners of the Contest, or other institutions and organizations without any separate consent from the authors.

        6.2. The results of the Contest shall be published on the official website of the National Library for Children, the websites of the organizers and partners of the Contest, and in professional publications.


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Останнє оновлення: 03.12.2025
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