Rules for using the National Library of Ukraine for children
Procedure for accompanying (providing assistance) to persons with disabilities and other low-mobility groups in the premises of the National Library of Ukraine for Children
Virtual tour of the library
National Library of Ukraine for Children is the main books’ depository in Ukraine. It is the national book depository of literature for children, scientific and methodical, informative and consultant center for the network of specialized libraries for children in Ukraine.
Short history of the library The library was established in 1967 as a State Republic Library for Children for the coordination of the network of libraries for children. After the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine (1991) the library got the status of the State Library of Ukraine for Children. The library got a status of the national library with the Act of the President of Ukraine in 2003.
The National Library of Ukraine for Children was designed by a well-known artists and sculptors. The ceramic works: “The Fairytales of the World”, “The History of Books and Book Printing”, compositions dedicated to the history of music and handicrafts and other decorations made of grog and ceramic glaze were created by Olga Rapay (sculptor-ceramist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine); metallic forging and stained glass windows were made by Oleksandr Mylovzorov; handmade arras were made by Svitlana and Evgenia Kravchenko; the arch near the entrance door and the bronze sculpture of a reading boy were made by Boris Dovgan (member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine).
Today National Library of Ukraine for Children is a cultural, educational, upbringing, scientific and informative institution. It is the center of libraries’ and bibliographic service for children and teens.
The library has being the main depository of books for children for years. The collection contains more than 525 000 books, periodicals and audio- visual documents, over 20 000 users visit the library per year. The collection of rare and valuable books includes books and periodicals that children read in 19th century. The library offers readers more than 15 000 books in foreign languages. Among them are world-famous publishing houses «Enciclopaedia Britannica», «Dorling Kindersley», «Tessloff Verlag».
The library is a scientific-methodical institution for libraries for children of Ukraine. Its sociological department conducts local and state sociological investigations about modern readers’ interests, investigates information needs of children, teens and reading leaders in schools. Library service recommends the best samples of literature for children, forms a reading circle, it offers virtual servicing as well.
As a creative lab, the library holds events on Ukrainian and international levels together with the community, institutions and organizations that deal with the problems of upbringing and education of children. The library works with regional communities, with families and through the common families’ events employs parents to the process of organization of children’s reading. Library does a lot for informative and bibliographical assurance of educational process and works in two directions: for pupils and for teachers. Young readers can have a content leisure time in different clubs and studios.
Library improves informative and bibliographical work with the information technology.